19 years Vila do Ouro


Everybody has moments in the year where you notice that “time flies”. Our guests often claim that their holiday goes too fast, but we are talking about certain other moments in life. Certain days or dates. For us the 1st of September is a day where we always reflect our lives, and it is a date where we absolutely notice that life is going fast. We remember the 1st of September 2005 as it was yesterday. It was the day where we start running Vila do Ouro.

After 19 years running Vila do Ouro, we absolutely can write a book about our experience over here in the Central Algarve. We can fill it with “behind-the-scenes-stories” about guests, staff, local people, ourselves, or we can fill it with stories about problems which we experienced at Vila do Ouro, like hardware problems, business deals, law, natural hazards or the devastating Corona measurements. Maybe nobody is waiting for such a story, but at least it would be an entertaining story to read on the sunbeds along the pools. Entertaining for others, especially the funny stories, but in reality, we also experienced some really tough times. Nevertheless, we always get positive energy from Vila do Ouro. And that’s what we need to keep up with the quality we would like to give to our guests. Not one year goes by where we did not improve, rebuilt, renew of add new gadgets to Vila do Ouro. For this upcoming winter we already are working on the winter planning!

The past 19 years, we welcomed around 2000 families, couples, solo travellers, groups. We had parties from students, weddings and yoga retreats. Around 60% from all these guests returns to Vila do Ouro at least one time. We feel blessed that we can count on the hardcore guests, a group of around 20 clients who come every year, some already for 19 years and some who even come to Vila do Ouro twice or three times a year. The second group of returning guests concerns new clients who start loving Vila do Ouro right away and start returning every year. Sometimes for a few years and then, logically, start searching for other places in the world. The third group (the biggest) in the returning guests are the ones that come to Vila do Ouro when they are planning to go to the Algarve. Almost no one leaves Vila do Ouro without saying at least: ‘we might come back’.

We would like to thank all our guests for their loyalty to Vila do Ouro and spreading the word to their friends, family, neighbours or colleagues!